Monday, April 6, 2009

God Bless Her

When i heard my mummy telling me about my youngest aunt whom life was coming an end soon, that kind of feeling....was hard to say it out!!!
She was torturing by Brain Tumors for almost 10 years..she did few time of operation to take the tumor out within this 10 years but the bad cells was coming back to visit her...she keep fight with this tumors to get a better life but this time the specialist claimed that, they have no idea how to treat her anymore.
She have a family..a daughter and a son...She give life to her beloved children but they seems like dun know how to appreciate her and treat her nicely..she also married someone who betrayed her love..but she still trying her best to maintain this family although she know her husband not love her anymore..she give the best for her children, let them live in happiness..
Every time we visit her, we play with her, take photo with her, she seems to be fine and act like nothing but i know in her deep heart, she was sad and lonely...Why?? Why God treat such a good person like this!!!! Mummy told us, last time when she haven have this brain tumors, she was like us, like to play, like to travel, like to take picture..she was a talkative person too...but now what we talk she can't even heard it, when she talk to us, we hard to understand what she trying to say too...WHY WHY WHY!!!! It so cruel to a person who talkative but now can't even talk properly..I bet she din did any bad thing in her life but why God you want give this non happy life for her???
I now can imagine how sad everyone will be by losing her...Please GOD!!! Please save her life...i dun wan she just go like this!!!



aLeXis FeLiciA said...

yes, let's pray hard for her!!!

Kim MachiNe said...

Dear..I guess there were some reason why god treat her so...we cant disobey..we just can make her life be more happy when she's still alive~~I think GOD loves her much more...^^

Tammie Shuyen said...

Ya, pray hard for her, that only way we can do..

Tammie Shuyen said...

kim~~~ i know it..but really cant accept it!!! hempp