Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wedding Dinner @ Banting

After working, back home prepare myself because i will be follow my parent attend their friend's son wedding dinner at Banting..Did i told you all before that i love to attend wedding dinner so much...keke^^ Dun ask me why, me myself also dun know...haahaha
On the way going

So we take 45minit to reach there..It was the first time i attend a wedding dinner which at inside the school basketball hall, weird right?? It because at Banting dun have any big restaurant can fix in 100 table, so they choose basketball hall..
0kay, i was quite boring, mummy and daddy was chit chatting with their friend and i was just eat and eat..gonna gain my weight soon~~ **i feel myself fat already T.T**
I dun have chance to take all the food photo just some only because a lot uncle, i not dare..haha
The Big Ship that i first time saw..keke^^

The nice chicken that i ever eat..slurrpp

The Broom's family and the Bride's family...

My mummy and I

I think the wedding dinner they spend quite high amount for it..the food the decorate.
For me, once in a life is okay...hehe
The not fun part is those uncle mean daddy's friend forcing me drink Chivas >.< !! say wanna train me..of cause, my parent will protect me as tomorrow i still wanna alcohol in weekdays..haha The funny part is one of the uncle was asking my parent permission that "Can i introduce my son to your daughter, so that we can be 亲家" =.=
I was laugh at that time, know why because his son just 16year old..omg!! i dun like my boyfriend's age smaller than way!!!
Around 12am, we back home...i was so0o0o0o sleepy~~~