Sunday, March 9, 2008

Teluk Intan (Days 2)

Today 9am morning already wake up because my mummy hand phone keep ringing and also in Teluk Intan, all my relatives are wake up early, so i can't sleep till afternoon..hehe..
We go out have our breakfast then we back..
Then, i go out with my cousin sister and her boyfriend to buy bags..that bag my cousin sister also have one..hehe
i like that bag so much but there have no stock disappointed..
never mind!!! i will saw another nicer one..hehe
Back till aunt's house, we "open table" again..muahahaha..mean play mahjong lo..
Around 3pm something, daddy decide to back KL..haiyo~~~
i thought want eat mai dinner only back KL..never mind, i can go back any time i want..hahaha
We thought eat our dinner only back home, so we go to Batang Kali there eat..
Because rain was so heavy that time and cause daddy go wrong ways and also cause us want to 挨饿 till back to Kuchai Lama only can eat our dinner..pity us~~~~
After our dinner, we back home